커뮤니티 전문가

궁금한 사항을 질문하면, 전문 프리랜서들의 답변이 쇄도

2개 답변

6년 전 답변을 하였습니다.
고용해 주세요

"hidden" in the sense client is "delete" your bids . reason
1. either client dont get what he or she is looking for from your "proposal"
2 . or your proposal is kind of weak so may be client dont like your bid so he or she is hidden your bid .
to avoid this situation wrte a strong proposal and bid on project .

1 좋아요
7 달 전 답변을 하였습니다.
고용해 주세요

95% of ALL freelancers on this site spam me a generic application. Now they are using the fake AI to write their proposals and some are even copying some or ALL of MY text from my hiring ad and pasting it into their application.

I NEVER hire anyone who can't read and understand English, or spams applications and can't even answer simple questions.

I hide everyone who is like that.

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