Graphic Design for Pure Physique
- 진행 현황: Closed
- 상금: $100
- 응모작 접수(건수): 30
- 수상자: CGSaba
콘테스트 개요
The contest is for graphic designers, I'm developing a figure/Item by which I can brand my company.
추천된 기술
고용주 피드백
“Excellent work”
makipetrov, Australia.
공개 설명 게시판
- 13 년 전
Please give me more time for add my logo just i had 3 hours!!!
- 13 년 전
- 13 년 전
i entered and made mine with i hour left ...
- 13 년 전
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and? :)
- 13 년 전
- 13 년 전
tell me what you think about mine guys :) page 2 number #71
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Check #70 plz
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please check my entry #67 thank you !
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please check #59 and #58.thanks
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- 13 년 전
Please check the logo #55
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also #56
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Hello, is the design for printing or online purposes?
- 13 년 전
콘테스트 주최자 - 13 년 전
It will be used for both printing and online purposes as well as embroidery and printing on clothing
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PLs see #30
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- 13 년 전
@ Contest Holder . Any feedback regarding my entry #2
- 13 년 전
3개 메시지 더 보기-
콘테스트 주최자 - 13 년 전
Hey Patrick in regards to the grey figure, I like it, but what about a combination of grey's and blues ?
In regards to the other one with the male and female figure, I like the concept you've got going on however, the muscles and figures should flow really well to emphasize the word "pure" at the moment both the male and the female seem a bit "blocky".
Try giving the female more of an hour-glass figure, see this link: rabbit&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi&biw=1280&bih=598
As for the male, the muscles should flow in and out more, rather than being so square and blocky
Keep up the good work !!!- 13 년 전
- 13 년 전
I'm currently working on it sir.
- 13 년 전
콘테스트 주최자 - 13 년 전
DO NOT redesign the logo. You're task is to design ONE male and ONE female figure that will suit the already designed logo.
The male should be masculine with smooth flowing muscles and the female should have an hour glass figure. As for the pose/style in which the figures are presented you can see the links in the design brief for references.
I repeat, DO NOT re design the logo.- 13 년 전
- 13 년 전
hello makipetrov - thanks for the feedback. Would you like additional changes done?
- 13 년 전
콘테스트 주최자 - 13 년 전
Well yes I would like additional changes, the ones that were mentioned in the private message that I sent you... the colour scheme has to follow the logo and the figures have to represent the words Pure Physique, at the moment they are looking very generic. Take a look at the links that I have posted up in the brief, they should give you more of an idea
Best of Luck !- 13 년 전
- 13 년 전
Hello, could you tell me please about the color scheme, if you want the designs to be in different shades of red or in colors to get along with red?
thank you- 13 년 전
콘테스트 주최자 - 13 년 전
The colour scheme should follow the logo which I will upload now
- 13 년 전
콘테스트 주최자 - 13 년 전
The red figure is only to give you an idea of the style I'm going for
- 13 년 전
콘테스트 주최자 - 13 년 전
I have just updated a Logo so to give you an idea of the colour scheme.
Let me know if there any other queries- 13 년 전
- 13 년 전
Thanks for posting this competition.
Are you looking for a logo re-design?- 13 년 전
콘테스트 주최자 - 13 년 전
not a redesign. just a figure to go with my logo by which I can brand my products
- 13 년 전
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