- 작성자: sarahmaeh

Site audits are one of the most important tasks for an SEO professional, and sometimes you need to do one quickly. Here's how you can complete an audit in 60 minutes. 1. Determine When the Site Underwent Its Last Major Redesign 2. Check the Number of Indexed Pages 3. Review the Information Architecture 4. Use a Tool to Walk Through the Site 5. Look for Duplicate Content 6. Check the Amount of Content on Every Page 7. Look for Pages With "Template Content" 8. Intelligent Use of Title Tags and H1 Tags 9. Check the XML Sitemap File 10. Review the Robots.txt File 11. Perform a Quick Redirect Check

image of username sarahmaeh Flag of Philippines cagayan de oro city, Philippines

내 소개

"Search Engine Optimization now revolves around link building".nInbound Links make your website stand out prominent in the SERPs. In todays SEO world, more than 95% of the focus is on building quality backlinks.

$2 USD/시간

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