5 Secrets to Making Your Blog Posts Go Viral

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Going viral is one of the main goals of bloggers today. With numerous blogs on the Web however, is it just out of sheer luck when a particular post stands out?  Not quite. There are actually ways on how you can make a post go viral. Here are five of them.


1. Answer the “Why” Question

Whether it’s to review gadgets or to sell annuities, you need to know why you’re blogging.  Knowing the reason why your blog was created keeps you focused and gives you a clearer picture of the goals you need to work on.


2. Focus and Diversify

Your blog needs to have a particular focus. The more distinguished your subject, the easier it is to target content for a particular group of people. Know your niche and be an expert on it so that you can strengthen your credibility. You also need to stay updated with its latest news and trends surrounding it.


Though your blog has a focal point, you need to diversify your posts. If your blog is about weddings, don’t simply write tips about tying the knot post after post. Spice it up a little and offer your readers some variety. If you post about wedding advice today, why not write about the latest trends in wedding gowns tomorrow or do a write-up on a celebrity couple that’s tying the knot soon?


Be an expert on your subject so that readers will know what to expect. At the same time, diversify your content so that they will be urged to come back to see what you will post next.


3. Be Engaging

Readers are compelled to share content that they can relate to. That’s why you need to engage your readers by giving them something that they can connect with. At the very least, pique their interest with your title. Today, titles are more than just giving readers an idea of what’s written in the body of an article. It’s about grabbing their attention and giving them a strong urge to see what’s inside the post.


Your blog is your own space on the Web, and you are entitled to post whatever you want (as long as it doesn’t violate any guidelines or rules, of course), but you need to be mindful of how you present your ideas. For instance, if you’re selling a product, highlight what sets it apart from the rest of the market. Never resort to making your competitors to look bad just so you’ll look good. Though you got your message across, discrediting others will leave a bad taste in the mouth of your readers.


If your posts are presented with a kick-ass title backed with content that can provoke readers to think, your blog is a step closer to going viral.


4. Get Involved

Creating good content is just half of the battle – the other half is engaging in the community.


Determine who your target audience is and find online communities where they usually hang out. Interact with them by joining discussions in forums or in the comments section of popular blogs. Through this, you can get to know your readers and what appeals to them. This will help you tailor your content according to what will pique their interest and suit their taste.


5. Share It

If you want your blog posts to go viral, you need to know how you’re going to take it to the people. Make sure that you have a share button panel on your blog where readers can easily share a particular post on different social media platforms.


You can also use online tools such as Google URL Builder, Triberr, Dlvr.it, Do Share, Bufferapp, AgoraPulse, Post Planner, etc. to help you optimize and distribute your content through different platforms.


Creating viral content is possible. If you want your posts to take off, reach a wide audience, and keep readers coming back for more, apply these five tips as you build your blog and create content.

게시 13 2월, 2015


Content Writer

I produce written content for the Web--from internal webpages and blog posts to marketing materials such as off-page articles, e-books and outreach e-mails. Currently, my projects are on personal finance, health, business, fashion, and beauty products. I'll be glad to send you samples of my work. Please feel free to message me.

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