9 Business Ideas for Women Who Want to Conquer the Online Marketplace

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The growing number of women-owned businesses today upholds the full potential of female entrepreneurs. Are you among the brave ones who are thinking of leaving the workforce to become a full-time entrepreneur? This move means you’ll be in control of everything and it will be you who will drive your own business to become an empire and not just another has-been.


Online Businesses to Try

How about you start online? A successful business can be managed entirely online, which means you can survive without a brick and mortar store. If the lack of a business idea is the first thing that’s holding you back, consider it solved. The trick is to go with your passions. Before you jump out of the corporate jungle, check out these ideas and see which one fits your interests.

Fashion Accessories

Do you have a knack for creating exquisite jewelry out of twisted wires and beads? There can be a lot of other women with this business, but if you know how to position yours in the market, you can rise above the competition.

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Website Development

Still thinking it’s a men’s arena? Women who code can shrug off the tech gender gap. According to a Stack Overflow survey, there are more women than men who have less than two years programming experience. This means more new female developers are joining the industry.

If you think you can establish your own Web development firm, give it a go. Hire the right people to join you, or if you want, you can build an all-female team.

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Graphic Design

Take inspiration from Melanie Perkins of Canva and come up with a graphic design firm of your own. You can borrow someone else’s business model, but if you have your own, that would be awesome. Start small by taking on simple jobs and then work your way up from there.

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The easiest way to have a makeup business is to do buy-and-sell. Target local customers. What brands do they want that are currently unavailable in stores within your area? Once you’ve found out, search for wholesale suppliers or other online stores that are open for resellers.

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App Development

What’s an everyday problem on top of your mind that you think you can solve with an app? App development is one lucrative business idea. Ready to become an ‘appreneur’? Here’s a guide on how to make millions in the app business.

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Content Writing

You know how micro enterprises put a lot of time and effort in running businesses? That’s the primary reason why they hire people to do other tasks, including content writing for their website and other marketing channels. If you love writing, this is the way to go.

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Party Favors

Are you a DIY queen? Earn money from your creativity. Sell custom-made party favors. Again, there are a lot of online stores in this category so have a clear unique selling proposition (USP). If you have target areas, build connections with event planners there so they can include you in their vendors list.

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Can you speak and write fluently in any foreign language, like French, Spanish, or Mandarin? Put up a website, upload samples of your translation projects, and offer your translation services.

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Many people seek advice online for business, relationships, and life in general. If you love giving advice to friends, you might want to consider this type of business. Which topic are you competent and confident enough to coach people on?

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Funding Your Business

Making that big leap from being a corporate soldier to a business owner doesn’t mean you need millions in cash right now to fund your idea. If it’s something that can thrive in the online marketplace, and if you have a small capital that you’ve saved up from years of working, you'll be off to a good start. You can also try crowdfunding. A recent study shows that women raise more money than men, and that’s something for you to discover.

There are hundreds of business ideas you can do online. You just need to have the passion, the drive, and the knowledge to make it succeed. Also, keep in mind that success is sweeter if you’re running a business that can change lives.

Need help on a few more tasks to launch your business? Post your project and hire a freelancer today.

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게시 10 3월, 2016

flDyan 스태프

Junior Product Marketing Manager at Freelancer. Outside of work, I'm into wedding coordination, entrepreneurship, beach trips, badminton, reading novels, and binge-watching TV series on Netflix.

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